Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pardon me, but is that bat guano on your shoes?

We started the day by taking the hike up to the cave at Slaughter canyon. This was a nice, steep half-mile hike to the guided tour of one of the "unimproved" caves in this area. There are some great formations in this cave, and the two park rangers did a great job as guides. The most impressive formation is called "The Clansman."
Hiking back down after this tour, we drove over to the visitor's center at Carlsbad Caverns, and did the tour of the "Big Room." This was just incredible. I can't believe I've gone my whole life without doing this tour.

We had a little time left after this, so we decided to take a short flight to photograph some of the local mountainous geography. The weather was great with light winds, and this made for some nice photos. This is El Capitan, the peak near which we were hiking yesterday. It's impressive both from the ground and the air.

Just for the heck of it, we flew a practice ILS approach back into Carlsbad. Everything in Romeo Victor is working just fine.

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